Kingdom Builders
We want our KINGDOM BUILDERS to know God and to grow in God. Our Kingdom Builders Kids, under the leadership of Gina Guisande and her team, employs a comprehensive program focusing on teaching and reinforcing simple Biblical principles. Ideas are presented in kid-friendly ways and in a kid-friendly environment. This combination makes the lessons easy to understand and to remember. You will be delighted at what transpires when the Word of God is sown into the lives of your Kids!
Kingdom Builders takes place every Sunday Morning after 11AM worship and Wednesday Nights at 7PM!

Identity Student Ministries
Identity Students refers to the total youth ministry of Lighthouse Christian Center. Identity Ministries consists of two groups: Identity Youth (Ages 12-18) and Hyphen Young Adults (18+). Identity Youth Services takes place every Wednesday night at
7PM in the youth room. Our youth are also involved in monthly events, such as; game nights, community events, outreach, and youth services. Our goal is to help our Youth and Young Adults to discover their Identity in Christ! 1 Peter 2:10

Men and Women’s Ministry
The Men and Women’s Ministry focuses on building spiritual enrichment through prayer, the word, and fellowship. Monthly Men and Women’s prayer takes place on the third Saturday of every month at 9AM.
Prayer Ministry
At Lighthouse Christian Center We believe and have experienced the Power of Prayer. Every Saturday at 9AM we hold a church wide prayer meeting in our
sanctuary. If you have a prayer need, submit your request below and our prayer team will pray and believe in faith for your need!

Orientation and NewLife Classes
Orientation class is designed for anyone who would like to learn more about
Lighthouse Christian Center, the various ministries that are available, and to meet
the Pastor and leadership team.
NewLife Class focuses on the growth and discipleship of new believers. It is our
desire to encourage every believer and help establish a strong foundation in their
walk with God.
Seven Recovery Ministry
SEVEN is a Christ Centered Recovery Group that meets every Tuesday at 7PM. We have freedom from alcohol, drugs, gambling, sexual addictions, and traumas through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
At SEVEN we offer help and hope to those whose lives have been affected by addiction, trauma, hurts, habits, and hang-ups. We incorporate the 12 steps into our recovery process along with other resources.